Whether you’re using gas log inserts, or you have a gas fireplace, there are many gas fireplace accessories that can enhance the look of a fireplace or gas log. Gas log sets come complete with embers, logs, and either sand for vented natural gas sets or vermiculite for vented propane sets.
Embers are used to add the glow of a real ember bed without the mess and the sand. Vermiculite is used to spread the flame to create a more realistic burn. Branches, acorns, and pine cones can be freely distributed across the floor of the fireplace to add a decorative touch provided they are not placed directly on the burner or in a flame.
Gas Log Embers
These are included with a gas log and react to the flame, creating the realistic glow that is desirable in a fireplace. They can be placed throughout the fireplace and on the burner bed to create a true effect of glowing.
Pine Cones, Lava Rocks, Acorns and Branches
These gas fireplace accessories can serve both decorative and functional purposes.
Ceramic pine cones, which come in a variety of sizes and shapes, add character but can also help disguise the safety pilot on the side of the burner pan or the remote receiver. Lava rocks added to the floor of the fireplace add a unique style to any fireplace while holding and radiating the heat generated for longer periods of time.
Acorns, made from a refractory cement, add some whimsy to a fireplace by scattering them across the floor in front of the fireplace. Additional branches can help create a more natural look and enhance the appearance of any fireplace.
Fireplace Tools and Screens
Gas logs and fireplaces do not need to be shoveled, poked or swept. However, one of the gas fireplace accessories that fulfills the promise of the heart is a striking fireplace tool set. Adding an attractive fire screen creates the look of a wood burning fireplace, yet also adds a level of safety by providing a barrier that limits access to the fireplace but still allows the heat to enter the room.