Companies like Harmon Auto Glass focus on one of the most commonly needed types of glass repair services. Around 90 percent of all drivers need to get windshield or other auto glass replacement at some point. No matter how carefully a person may drive, and no matter how well they are versed in traffic laws, auto glass can be damaged in many unexpected ways. Some of the damage doesn’t even happen while on the road. For example, many people end up with auto glass damage when there is a hail storm or when their vehicle is involved in a fire. No matter how the damage may have occurred, there are several ways an auto glass repair provider may address it.
Auto glass cracks that form a kind of web are often very developed cracks that require specialized treatment. The center of the web is the impact point, and it must be repaired to avoid further extension of the web. A glass repair provider will often use a special glass drill to remove a small amount of glass from the impact point, making a clear hole. The hole is evenly filled with a glass resin that is completely see-through. This resin acts as a placeholder for the glass and keeps any further changes from occurring.
For small dings and tiny glass cracks, the same glass resin may be used. However, for long lines that move over the driver’s side of the windshield, a glass replacement may be a better choice. A vehicle with a significant crack in the driver’s vision area will generally be unable to pass inspection because it is deemed unsafe due to the reduction in clear vision. For cracks that aren’t in the driver’s direct vision area, one or both ends of the line can be drilled and then filled with a glass resin. This stops the spread, but won’t change the appearance of the crack.
If you have recently experienced an auto glass crack or break that may require the services of the team at Harmon Auto Glass, you can visit the website to find out more.