
Flame Polishing Acrylic – A Clear Choice

Optical clarity is a vital characteristic of devices relying on transparency for visual inspection and analysis. Where glass was once preferred due to its ability to transmit light, acrylic polymer - first developed over eight decades ago - now holds a large share of...

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Spread the Word With Online Events Calendars

Did you know that with a simple, easy-to-install plug-in, you could boost the hits and traffic on your website? Online events calendars are responsible for helping businesses just like you with an improved user rating and visitor satisfaction. With an efficient and...

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Precision Machine Shops for Small Lot Orders

When machinery breaks down and the part you need is difficult or impossible to find, your business could be put on hold. Most precision machine shops are reluctant to go through the process of milling one small part, and instead will give you a deal if you order a lot...

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