Emergencies happen. And when they do, they leave you little to no time to make arrangements for your pets. Don’t have friends who can take your dogs in? That’s where finding a dog boarding in Manhattan becomes important, especially if you’ve got more than one pooch to leave behind.
Why dog boarding?
Imposing on friends and family doesn’t really make for a practical solution. Unless they’re trained, you’ll be better off hiring pros since you know they’ll be able to take care of your pets with no worries. That way, you can be sure your pets are safe, content and happy. That also means less stress for you. You won’t feel guilty about asking friends and family to care for your dogs so you can take the time to deal with whatever family emergency you had to deal with in the first place.
Finding one
There are plenty of companies that offer dog boarding in Manhattan. Not all of them make the right decision, though. You’ll want to pay a visit to the kennel or facility and check out the following:
- Cleanliness. Look for a kennel that’s clean and organized. If there’s a no visitor’s policy, you should still be able to see through a viewing window to get a better idea of where your pet will be staying, says PetMD.
- Security. What kind of security do they have in place? If your pet attempts to escape, will they have sturdy gates and fences to prevent any accidents? Ask.
- Safety. Will your pet be safe from other boarders?
- Supervision. Is there someone to keep an eye on your pet so they’ll recognize any signs of illness right away?
Other reminders
Ask for referrals from friends and family. Go online. These should help you generate a list of options in your area for a good start.